Lebensmittel Zeitung Regular portraits Lebensmittel Zeitung Regular portraitsSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-18T12:35:10+01:00
Madame Le Figaro Various portraits Madame Le Figaro Various portraitsSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:34:54+01:00
FAZ Magazine Personal stories of Coming Out FAZ Magazine Personal stories of Coming OutSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:35:46+01:00
FAZ Magazine First love at second sight FAZ Magazine First love at second sightSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:35:51+01:00
Arte Magazine Princess Catherine Arte Magazine Princess CatherineSilke Werzinger - Illustration2024-06-20T17:01:27+02:00
Vivre Magazine Various portraits Vivre Magazine Various portraitsSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:37:51+01:00
Republik The Empress Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria Republik The Empress Elisabeth “Sisi” of AustriaSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:36:58+01:00
Focus Magazine Portrait Elliot Page Focus Magazine Portrait Elliot PageSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:37:09+01:00
Autostadt & Leben Magazine Portrait Autostadt & Leben Magazine PortraitSilke Werzinger - Illustration2023-12-20T08:37:19+01:00